
After successful compilation, you can review statistics of your code. Click the Statistics Icon Statistics Icon.

Memory Usage Windows

Provides overview of RAM and ROM usage in the various forms.

RAM Memory Usage

Displays RAM memory usage in a pie-like form.

RAM Memory Usage

Used RAM Locations

Displays used RAM memory locations and their names.

Used RAM Memory Locations

SFR Locations

Displays list of used SFR locations.

SFR Locations

ROM Memory Usage

Displays ROM memory space usage in a pie-like form.

ROM Memory Usage

ROM Memory Constants

Displays ROM memory constants and their addresses.

ROM Memory Constants

Functions Sorted By Name

Sorts and displays functions by their addresses, symbolic names, and unique assembler names.

Functions Sorted By Name

Functions Sorted By Size

Sorts and displays functions by their size, in the ascending order.

Functions Sorted By Size

Functions Sorted By Addresses

Sorts and displays functions by their addresses, in the ascending order.

Functions Sorted By Addresses

Functions Sorted By Name Chart

Sorts and displays functions by their names in a chart-like form.

Functions Sorted By Name Chart

Functions Sorted By Size Chart

Sorts and displays functions by their sizes in a chart-like form.

>Functions Sorted By Size Chart

Functions Sorted By Addresses Chart

Sorts and displays functions by their addresses in a chart-like form.

Functions Sorted By Addresses Chart

Function Tree

Displays Function Tree with the relevant data for each function.

Function Tree

Memory Summary

Displays summary of RAM and ROM memory in a pie-like form.

Memory Summary

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