mikroC PRO for PIC Specifics

The following topics cover the specifics of mikroC PRO for PIC compiler:

GOTO Table

If a certain routine is allocated on the address higher than 64kB and can not be accessed directly, a GOTO table is created just after the Interrupt Vector Table to enable this routine call.
GOTO table comprises of addresses of those routines that are allocated on the addresses higher than 64kB.
So, whenever a call is made to a routine which is not directly accessible, it jumps to an assigned GOTO table block which contains address of a desired routine. From there, a GOTO call is generated to that address, and the routine is executed.

GOTO table

When Dynamic Link For String Literals is OFF, literal strings are linked as global, they are not shared between routines and consume more RAM.
When Dynamic Link For String Literals is ON, then literal strings are linked as local variables and are shared between routines, therefore consume less RAM.

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