CAN Library

mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24 provides a library (driver) for working with the dsPIC30F CAN module.

The CAN is a very robust protocol that has error detection and signalization, self–checking and fault confinement. Faulty CAN data and remote frames are re-transmitted automatically, similar to the Ethernet.

Data transfer rates depend on distance. For example, 1 Mbit/s can be achieved at network lengths below 40m while 250 Kbit/s can be achieved at network lengths below 250m. The greater distance the lower maximum bitrate that can be achieved. The lowest bitrate defined by the standard is 200Kbit/s. Cables used are shielded twisted pairs.

CAN supports two message formats:

  Important :

Library Routines



procedure CANxSetOperationMode(mode, WAIT : word);


Sets the CAN module to requested mode.

  • mode: CAN module operation mode. Valid values: CAN_OP_MODE constants. See CAN_OP_MODE constants.
  • WAIT: CAN mode switching verification request. If WAIT == 0, the call is non-blocking. The function does not verify if the CAN module is switched to requested mode or not. Caller must use CANxGetOperationMode to verify correct operation mode before performing mode specific operation. If WAIT != 0, the call is blocking – the function won’t “return” until the requested mode is set.



MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

// set the CAN1 module into configuration mode (wait inside CAN1SetOperationMode until this mode is set)
CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_CONFIG, 0xFF);
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.



function CANxGetOperationMode(): word;


The function returns current operation mode of the CAN module. See CAN_OP_MODE constants or device datasheet for operation mode codes.




Current operation mode.


MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

// check whether the CAN1 module is in Normal mode and if it is then do something.
if (CAN1GetOperationMode() == _CAN_MODE_NORMAL) {
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.



procedure CANxInitialize(SJW, BRP, PHSEG1, PHSEG2, PROPSEG, CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS : word);


Initializes the CAN module.

The internal dsPIC30F CAN module is set to:

  • Disable CAN capture
  • Continue CAN operation in Idle mode
  • Do not abort pending transmissions
  • Fcan clock : 4*Tcy (Fosc)
  • Baud rate is set according to given parameters
  • CAN mode is set to Normal
  • Filter and mask registers IDs are set to zero
  • Filter and mask message frame type is set according to CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS value

SAM, SEG2PHTS, WAKFIL and DBEN bits are set according to CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS value.

  • SJW as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • BRP as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • PHSEG1 as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • PHSEG2 as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • PROPSEG as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS is formed from predefined constants. See CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS constants.



MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

// initialize the CAN1 module with appropriate baud rate and message acceptance flags along with the sampling rules
var can_config_flags : word;
can_config_flags = _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_THRICE &            // Form value to be used
                   _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_ON &            // with CAN1Initialize
                   _CAN_CONFIG_STD_MSG &
                   _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_ON &
                   _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE &

CAN1Initialize(1,3,3,3,1,can_config_flags);              // initialize the CAN1 module
  • CAN mode NORMAL will be set on exit.
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.



procedure CANxSetBaudRate(SJW, BRP, PHSEG1, PHSEG2, PROPSEG, CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS : word);


Sets CAN baud rate. Due to complexity of the CAN protocol, you can not simply force a bps value. Instead, use this function when CAN is in Config mode. Refer to datasheet for details.

SAM, SEG2PHTS and WAKFIL bits are set according to CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS value. Refer to datasheet for details.

  • SJW as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • BRP as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • PHSEG1 as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • PHSEG2 as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • PROPSEG as defined in MCU's datasheet (CAN Module)
  • CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS is formed from predefined constants. See CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS constants.



MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

CAN must be in Config mode, otherwise the function will be ignored. See CANxSetOperationMode.

// set required baud rate and sampling rules
var can_config_flags : word;
CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_CONFIG,0xFF);              // set CONFIGURATION mode (CAN1 module must be in config mode for baud rate settings)

can_config_flags = _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_THRICE &            // Form value to be used
                   _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_ON &            // with CAN1SetBaudRate
                   _CAN_CONFIG_STD_MSG &
                   _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_ON &
                   _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE &

CAN1SetBaudRate(1,3,3,3,1,can_config_flags);             // set the CAN1 module baud rate
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.



procedure CANxSetMask(CAN_MASK : word; val : longint; CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS : word);


Function sets mask for advanced filtering of messages. Given value is bit adjusted to appropriate buffer mask registers.

  • CAN_MASK: CAN module mask number. Valid values: CAN_MASK constants. See CAN_MASK constants.
  • val: mask register value. This value is bit-adjusted to appropriate buffer mask registers
  • CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS: selects type of message to filter. Valid values:
    See CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS constants.



MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

CAN must be in Config mode, otherwise the function will be ignored. See CANxSetOperationMode.

// set appropriate filter mask and message type value
CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_CONFIG,0xFF);              // set CONFIGURATION mode (CAN1 module must be in config mode for mask settings)

// Set all B1 mask bits to 1 (all filtered bits are relevant):
// Note that -1 is just a cheaper way to write 0xFFFFFFFF.
// Complement will do the trick and fill it up with ones.
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.



procedure CANxSetFilter(CAN_FILTER : word; val : longint; CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS : word);


Function sets message filter. Given value is bit adjusted to appropriate buffer mask registers.

  • CAN_FILTER: CAN module filter number. Valid values: CAN_FILTER constants. See CAN_FILTER constants.
  • val: filter register value. This value is bit-adjusted to appropriate filter registers
  • CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS: selects type of message to filter. Valid values: _CAN_CONFIG_STD_MSG and _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG. See CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS constants.



MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

CAN must be in Config mode, otherwise the function will be ignored. See CANxSetOperationMode.

// set appropriate filter value and message type
CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_CONFIG,0xFF);                  // set CONFIGURATION mode (CAN1 module must be in config mode for filter settings)

// Set id of filter B1_F1 to 3
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.



function CANxRead(var id : longint; var data : array[1] of byte; dataLen, CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS : word) : word;


If at least one full Receive Buffer is found, it will be processed in the following way:

  • Message ID is retrieved and stored to location pointed by id pointer
  • Message data is retrieved and stored to array pointed by data pointer
  • Message length is retrieved and stored to location pointed by dataLen pointer
  • Message flags are retrieved and stored to location pointed by CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS pointer
  • id: message identifier address
  • data: an array of bytes up to 8 bytes in length
  • dataLen: data length address
  • CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS: message flags address. For message receive flags format refer to CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS constants. See CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS constants.

  • 0 if nothing is received
  • 0xFFFF if one of the Receive Buffers is full (message received)


MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

The CAN module must be in a mode in which receiving is possible. See CANxSetOperationMode.

// check the CAN1 module for received messages. If any was received do something. 
var msg_rcvd, rx_flags, data_len : word;
    data : array[8] of byte;
    msg_id : longint;
CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_NORMAL,0xFF);                  // set NORMAL mode (CAN1 module must be in mode in which receive is possible)
rx_flags := 0;                                 // clear message flags
if (msg_rcvd = CAN1Read(msg_id, data, data_len, rx_flags)) then
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.



function CANxWrite(id : longint; var data_ : array[1] of byte; dataLen, CAN_TX_MSG_FLAGS : word) : word;


If at least one empty Transmit Buffer is found, the function sends message in the queue for transmission.

  • id: CAN message identifier. Valid values: 11 or 29 bit values, depending on message type (standard or extended)
  • Data: data to be sent
  • DataLen: data length. Valid values: 0..8
  • CAN_TX_MSG_FLAGS: message flags. Valid values: CAN_TX_MSG_FLAGS constants. See CAN_TX_MSG_FLAGS constants.

  • 0 if all Transmit Buffers are busy
  • 0xFFFF if at least one Transmit Buffer is available


MCU with the CAN module.

MCU must be connected to the CAN transceiver (MCP2551 or similar) which is connected to the CAN bus.

The CAN module must be in mode in which transmission is possible. See CANxSetOperationMode.

// send message extended CAN message with appropriate ID and data
var tx_flags: word;
    data: array[8] of byte;
    msg_id : longint;
CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_NORMAL,0xFF);                  // set NORMAL mode (CAN1 must be in mode in which transmission is possible)

tx_flags := _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 and            
           _CAN_TX_XTD_FRAME   and             
           _CAN_TX_NO_RTR_FRAME;                   // set message flags
CAN1Write(msg_id, data, 1, tx_flags);
  • CAN library routine require you to specify the module you want to use. To use the desired CAN module, simply change the letter x in the routine prototype for a number from 1 to 2.
  • Number of CAN modules per MCU differs from chip to chip. Please, read the appropriate datasheet before utilizing this library.

CAN Constants

There is a number of constants predefined in CAN library. To be able to use the library effectively, you need to be familiar with these. You might want to check the example at the end of the chapter.

CAN_OP_MODE Constants

CAN_OP_MODE constants define CAN operation mode. Function CANxSetOperationMode expects one of these as its argument:

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    _CAN_MODE_BITS   : word = $E0;   // Use this to access opmode  bits
    _CAN_MODE_NORMAL : word = 0x01;
    _CAN_MODE_SLEEP  : word = 0x02;
    _CAN_MODE_LOOP   : word = 0x03;
    _CAN_MODE_LISTEN : word = 0x04;
    _CAN_MODE_CONFIG : word = 0x07;


CAN_CONFIG_FLAGS constants define flags related to CAN module configuration. Functions CANxInitialize and CANxSetBaudRate expect one of these (or a bitwise combination) as their argument:

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    _CAN_CONFIG_DEFAULT         : word = 0xFF;   // 11111111

    _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_BIT  : word = 0x01;
    _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_ON   : word = 0xFF;   // XXXXXXX1
    _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_OFF  : word = 0xFE;   // XXXXXXX0

    _CAN_CONFIG_LINE_FILTER_BIT : word = 0x02;
    _CAN_CONFIG_LINE_FILTER_ON  : word = 0xFF;   // XXXXXX1X

    _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_BIT      : word = 0x04;
    _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_ONCE     : word = 0xFF;   // XXXXX1XX
    _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_THRICE   : word = 0xFB;   // XXXXX0XX

    _CAN_CONFIG_MSG_TYPE_BIT    : word = 0x08;
    _CAN_CONFIG_STD_MSG         : word = 0xFF;   // XXXX1XXX
    _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG         : word = 0xF7;   // XXXX0XXX

    _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_BIT  : word = 0x10;
    _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_ON   : word = 0xFF;   // XXX1XXXX
    _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_OFF  : word = 0xEF;   // XXX0XXXX

    _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_TYPE_BIT  : word = 0x20;
    _CAN_CONFIG_ALL_VALID_MSG   : word = 0xDF;   // XX0XXXXX
    _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE  : word = 0xFF;   // XX1XXXXX

You may use bitwise and to form config byte out of these values. For example:

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        _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_ON    and
        _CAN_CONFIG_STD_MSG          and
        _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_ON    and
        _CAN_CONFIG_VALID_XTD_MSG    and
CAN1Initialize(1, 1, 3, 3, 1, init);   // initialize CAN


CAN_TX_MSG_FLAGS are flags related to transmission of a CAN message:

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    _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_BITS : word = 0x03;
    _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0    : word = 0xFC;   // XXXXXX00
    _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_1    : word = 0xFD;   // XXXXXX01
    _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_2    : word = 0xFE;   // XXXXXX10
    _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_3    : word = 0xFF;   // XXXXXX11

    _CAN_TX_FRAME_BIT     : word = 0x08;
    _CAN_TX_STD_FRAME     : word = 0xFF;   // XXXXX1XX
    _CAN_TX_XTD_FRAME     : word = 0xF7;   // XXXXX0XX

    _CAN_TX_RTR_BIT       : word = 0x40;
    _CAN_TX_NO_RTR_FRAME  : word = 0xFF;   // X1XXXXXX
    _CAN_TX_RTR_FRAME     : word = 0xBF;   // X0XXXXXX

You may use bitwise and to adjust the appropriate flags. For example:

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// form value to be used with CANSendMessage:
send_config := _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0     and
              _CAN_TX_XTD_FRAME      and
CANSendMessage(id, data, 1, send_config);


CAN_RX_MSG_FLAGS are flags related to reception of CAN message. If a particular bit is set; corresponding meaning is TRUE or else it will be FALSE.

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    _CAN_RX_FILTER_BITS  : word = 0x07;  // Use this to access filter bits
    _CAN_RX_FILTER_1     : word = 0x00;
    _CAN_RX_FILTER_2     : word = 0x01;
    _CAN_RX_FILTER_3     : word = 0x02;
    _CAN_RX_FILTER_4     : word = 0x03;
    _CAN_RX_FILTER_5     : word = 0x04;
    _CAN_RX_FILTER_6     : word = 0x05;
    _CAN_RX_OVERFLOW     : word = 0x08;  // Set if Overflowed else cleared
    _CAN_RX_INVALID_MSG  : word = 0x10;  // Set if invalid else cleared
    _CAN_RX_XTD_FRAME    : word = 0x20;  // Set if XTD message else cleared
    _CAN_RX_RTR_FRAME    : word = 0x40;  // Set if RTR message else cleared
    _CAN_RX_DBL_BUFFERED : word = 0x80;  // Set if this message was hardware double-buffered

You may use bitwise and to adjust the appropriate flags. For example:

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if (MsgFlag and _CAN_RX_OVERFLOW) <> 0 then
  // Receiver overflow has occurred.
  // We have lost our previous message.

CAN_MASK Constants

CAN_MASK constants define mask codes. Function CANxSetMask expects one of these as its argument:

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    _CAN_MASK_B1 : word = 0;
    _CAN_MASK_B2 : word = 1;

CAN_FILTER Constants

CAN_FILTER constants define filter codes. Function CANxSetFilter expects one of these as its argument:

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    _CAN_FILTER_B1_F1 : word = 0;
    _CAN_FILTER_B1_F2 : word = 1;
    _CAN_FILTER_B2_F1 : word = 2;
    _CAN_FILTER_B2_F2 : word = 3;
    _CAN_FILTER_B2_F3 : word = 4;
    _CAN_FILTER_B2_F4 : word = 5;

Library Example

The example demonstrates CAN protocol. The 1st node initiates the communication with the 2nd node by sending some data to its address. The 2nd node responds by sending back the data incremented by 1. The 1st node then does the same and sends incremented data back to the 2nd node, etc.

Code for the first CAN node:

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program CAN_1st;

var Can_Init_Flags, Can_Send_Flags, Can_Rcv_Flags, Rx_Data_Len  : word;
    RxTx_Data  : array[8] of byte;
    Rx_ID      : longint;
    Msg_Rcvd : word;

const ID_1st  : longint = 12111;
const ID_2nd  : longint = 3;                           // node IDs


  PORTB  := 0;
  TRISB  := 0;

  Can_Init_Flags   := 0;
  Can_Send_Flags   := 0;
  Can_Rcv_Flags    := 0;

  Can_Send_Flags   := _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 and           // form value to be used
                      _CAN_TX_XTD_FRAME and            // with CANSendMessage

  Can_Init_Flags   := _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_THRICE and    // form value to be used
                      _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_ON and    // with CANInitialize
                      _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG and
                      _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_ON and
                      _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE and

  RxTx_Data[0] := 9;
  CAN1Initialize(1,3,3,3,1,Can_Init_Flags);            // initialize CAN
  CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_CONFIG,0xFF);         // set CONFIGURATION mode

  CAN1SetMask(_CAN_MASK_B1, -1, _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE and _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG);   // set all mask1 bits to ones
  CAN1SetMask(_CAN_MASK_B2, -1, _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE and _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG);   // set all mask2 bits to ones
  CAN1SetFilter(_CAN_FILTER_B2_F3,ID_2nd,_CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG); // set id of filter B2_F3 to 2nd node ID

  CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_NORMAL,0xFF);            // set NORMAL mode

  CAN1Write(ID_1st, RxTx_Data, 1, Can_Send_Flags);

  while TRUE do
      Msg_Rcvd := CAN1Read(Rx_ID , RxTx_Data , Rx_Data_Len, Can_Rcv_Flags);
      if ((Rx_ID = ID_2nd) and (Msg_Rcvd <> 0)) <> 0 then
          PORTB := RxTx_Data[0];                           // output data at PORTB
          RxTx_Data[0] := RxTx_Data[0] + 1;
          CAN1Write(ID_1st, RxTx_Data, 1, Can_Send_Flags); // send incremented data back

Code for the second CAN node:

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program Can_2nd;

var Can_Init_Flags, Can_Send_Flags, Can_Rcv_Flags, Rx_Data_Len : word;
    RxTx_Data : array[8] of byte;
    Rx_ID     : longint;
    Msg_Rcvd  : word;

const ID_1st  : longint = 12111;
const ID_2nd  : longint = 3;                          // node IDs

  PORTB  := 0;
  TRISB  := 0;

  Can_Init_Flags   := 0;
  Can_Send_Flags   := 0;
  Can_Rcv_Flags    := 0;

  Can_Send_Flags :=  _CAN_TX_PRIORITY_0 and           // form value to be used
                     _CAN_TX_XTD_FRAME and            // with CANSendMessage

  Can_Init_Flags  :=  _CAN_CONFIG_SAMPLE_THRICE and    // form value to be used
                      _CAN_CONFIG_PHSEG2_PRG_ON and    // with CANInitialize
                      _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG and
                      _CAN_CONFIG_DBL_BUFFER_ON and
                      _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE and

  CAN1Initialize(1,3,3,3,1,Can_Init_Flags);               // initialize CAN
  CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_CONFIG,0xFF);            // set CONFIGURATION mode

  CAN1SetMask(_CAN_MASK_B1, -1, _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE and _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG);   // set all mask1 bits to ones
  CAN1SetMask(_CAN_MASK_B2, -1, _CAN_CONFIG_MATCH_MSG_TYPE and _CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG);   // set all mask2 bits to ones
  CAN1SetFilter(_CAN_FILTER_B1_F1,ID_1st,_CAN_CONFIG_XTD_MSG);   // set id of filter_B1_F1 to 1st node ID

  CAN1SetOperationMode(_CAN_MODE_NORMAL,0xFF); // set NORMAL mode

  while TRUE do
      Msg_Rcvd := CAN1Read(Rx_ID , RxTx_Data , Rx_Data_Len, Can_Rcv_Flags);
      if ((Rx_ID = ID_1st) and (Msg_Rcvd <> 0)) <> 0 then
          PORTB   := RxTx_Data[0];                                       // output data at PORTB
          RxTx_Data[0] := RxTx_Data[0] + 1;
          CAN1Write(ID_2nd, RxTx_Data, 1, Can_Send_Flags);               // send incremented data back

HW Connection

Example of interfacing CAN transceiver with MCU and bus

Example of interfacing CAN transceiver with MCU and CAN bus

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