Relational Operators

Use relational operators to test equality or inequality of expressions. If an expression evaluates to be true, it returns 1; otherwise it returns 0.

All relational operators associate from left to right.

Relational Operators Overview

Operator Operation Precedence
== equal 9
!= not equal 9
> greater than 10
< less than 10
>= greater than or equal 10
<= less than or equal 10

Relational Operators in Expressions

Precedence of arithmetic and relational operators is designated in such a way to allow complex expressions without parentheses to have expected meaning:

a + 5 >= c - 1.0 / e   /* → (a + 5) >= (c - (1.0 / e)) */

Do not forget that relational operators return either 0 or 1. Consider the following examples:

/* ok: */
5 > 7                  /* returns 0 */
10 <= 20               /* returns 1 */

/* this can be tricky: */
8 == 13 > 5            /* returns 0, as: 8 == (13 > 5)  →  8 == 1  →  0 */
14 > 5 < 3             /* returns 1, as: (14 > 5) < 3  →  1 < 3  →  1 */
a < b < 5              /* returns 1, as: (a < b) < 5  →  (0 or 1) < 5  →  1*/
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