Library Manager

Library Manager enables simple handling libraries being used in a project. Library Manager window lists all libraries (extension .mcl) which are instantly stored in the compiler Uses folder. The desirable library is added to the project by selecting check box next to the library name.
In order to have all library functions accessible, simply press the button Check All Check All and all libraries will be selected. In case none library is needed in a project, press the button Clear All Clear All and all libraries will be cleared from the project.
Only the selected libraries will be linked.

Library Manager Window

Icon Description
Refresh Library Refresh Library by scanning files in "Uses" folder.Useful when new libraries are added by copying files to "Uses" folder.
Rebuild Libraries Rebuild all available libraries. Useful when library sources are available and need refreshing.
Check All Include all available libraries in current project.
Clear All No libraries from the list will be included in current project.
Restore Restore library to the state just before last project saving.

Managing libraries using Package Manager

The Package Manager is a tool which enables users to easily install their own libraries in the mikroIDE. Libraries are distributed in the form of a package, which is an archive composed of one or more files, containing libraries. For more information on Package Manager, visit our website.

Upon package installation, a new node with the package name will be created in the Library Manager. For example :

Installed Package

From the Library Manager, user can also uninstall the desired package by right clicking the the appropriate node, and from the drop-down menu choose Uninstall package :

Uninstalling Package

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