Software SPI Library

The mikroC PRO for AVR provides routines for implementing Software SPI communication. These routines are hardware independent and can be used with any MCU. The Software SPI Library provides easy communication with other devices via SPI: A/D converters, D/A converters, MAX7219, LTC1290, etc.

Library configuration:

The library configures SPI to the master mode, clock = 20kHz, data sampled at the middle of interval, clock idle state low and data transmitted at low to high edge.

  Important : The Software SPI library implements time-based activities, so interrupts need to be disabled when using it.

External dependencies of Software SPI Library

The following variables must be defined in all projects using Software SPI Library: Description : Example :
extern sfr sbit SoftSpi_SDI; Data In line. sbit SoftSpi_SDI at PINB6_bit;
extern sfr sbit SoftSpi_SDO; Data Out line. sbit SoftSpi_SDO at PORTB5_bit;
extern sfr sbit SoftSpi_CLK; Clock line. sbit SoftSpi_CLK at PORTB7_bit;
extern sfr sbit SoftSpi_SDI_Direction; Direction of the Data In pin. sbit SoftSpi_SDI_Direction at DDB6_bit;
extern sfr sbit SoftSpi_SDO_Direction; Direction of the Data Out pin sbit SoftSpi_SDO_Direction at DDB5_bit;
extern sfr sbit SoftSpi_CLK_Direction; Direction of the Clock pin. sbit SoftSpi_CLK_Direction at DDB7_bit;

Library Routines



void Soft_SPI_Init();




Configures and initializes the software SPI module.


Global variables:

  • SoftSpi_SDI: Data in line
  • SoftSpi_SDO: Data out line
  • SoftSpi_CLK: Data clock line
  • SoftSpi_SDI_Direction: Direction of the Data in pin
  • SoftSpi_SDO_Direction: Direction of the Data out pin
  • SoftSpi_CLK_Direction: Direction of the Data clock pin
must be defined before using this function.
// Software SPI module connections
sbit SoftSpi_CLK at PORTB7_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_SDI at PINB6_bit;  // Note : Input signal
sbit SoftSpi_SDO at PORTB5_bit;

sbit SoftSpi_CLK_Direction at DDB7_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_SDI_Direction at DDB6_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_SDO_Direction at DDB5_bit;
// End Software SPI module connections
Soft_SPI_Init(); // Init Soft_SPI



unsigned short Soft_SPI_Read(char sdata);


Byte received via the SPI bus.


This routine performs 3 operations simultaneously. It provides clock for the Software SPI bus, reads a byte and sends a byte.

Parameters :

  • sdata: data to be sent.


Soft SPI must be initialized before using this function. See Soft_SPI_Init routine.

unsigned short data_read;
char data_send;
// Read a byte and assign it to data_read variable
// (data_send byte will be sent via SPI during the Read operation)
data_read = Soft_SPI_Read(data_send);



void Soft_SPI_Write(char sdata);




This routine sends one byte via the Software SPI bus.

Parameters :

  • sdata: data to be sent.


Soft SPI must be initialized before using this function. See Soft_SPI_Init routine.

// Write a byte to the Soft SPI bus

Library Example

This code demonstrates using library routines for Soft_SPI communication. Also, this example demonstrates working with Microchip's MCP4921 12-bit D/A converter.

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// DAC module connections
sbit Chip_Select at PORTB0_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_CLK at PORTB7_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_SDI at PINB6_bit;  // Note: Input signal
sbit SoftSpi_SDO at PORTB5_bit;

sbit Chip_Select_Direction at DDB0_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_CLK_Direction at DDB7_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_SDI_Direction at DDB6_bit;
sbit SoftSpi_SDO_Direction at DDB5_bit;
// End DAC module connections

unsigned int value;

void InitMain() {
  DDA0_bit = 0;                           // Set PA0 pin as input
  DDA1_bit = 0;                           // Set PA1 pin as input
  Chip_Select = 1;                        // Deselect DAC
  Chip_Select_Direction = 1;              // Set CS# pin as Output
  Soft_SPI_Init();                        // Initialize Soft_SPI

// DAC increments (0..4095) --> output voltage (0..Vref)
void DAC_Output(unsigned int valueDAC) {
  char temp;

  Chip_Select = 0;                        // Select DAC chip

  // Send High Byte
  temp = (valueDAC >> 8) & 0x0F;          // Store valueDAC[11..8] to temp[3..0]
  temp |= 0x30;                           // Define DAC setting, see MCP4921 datasheet
  Soft_SPI_Write(temp);                   // Send high byte via Soft SPI

  // Send Low Byte
  temp = valueDAC;                        // Store valueDAC[7..0] to temp[7..0]
  Soft_SPI_Write(temp);                   // Send low byte via Soft SPI

  Chip_Select = 1;                        // Deselect DAC chip

void main() {

  InitMain();                             // Perform main initialization

  value = 2048;                           // When program starts, DAC gives
                                          //   the output in the mid-range

  while (1) {                             // Endless loop

    if ((PINA0_bit) && (value < 4095)) {  // If PA0 button is pressed
      value++;                            //   increment value
    else {
      if ((PINA1_bit) && (value > 0)) {   // If PA1 button is pressed
        value--;                          //   decrement value

    DAC_Output(value);                    // Send value to DAC chip
    Delay_ms(1);                          // Slow down key repeat pace
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